Programming Concepts / Reflections

4. Favourite Parts of Pod
3. An Encounter with an Infinite Loop
2. An Excursion to Fold and Back
1. Learning Functional Programming

Server Admin Tutorials

1. Ubuntu Webserver Setup with Nginx
2. Running Flask, Gunicorn, and Celery
3. Code Files for Flask and Celery


Pod (in progress) - a podcast browser that, provided with an OPML file, will allow you to download a set of podcast episodes. Written in vanilla JavaScript with a Python Flask backend. A sample OPML file to use with the app: test-podcast-list.opml

Whale Oracle (on hiatus) - an art project involving the livestreaming of an OpenWrt⧉-connected, arduino-controlled toy whale. I documented some of the technical details here.

Old Site - the original version of this website

Cat Light
